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Urban Rail Ticketing & Revenue Collection System

ꦍDas Urban Rail Ticketing & Revenue Collection System is an automated system that realizes the whole process of rail transit ticketing, checking, billing, charging, statistics, clearing and management based on computer, communication, network, automatic control and other technologies. 

Product Features

♊The structure of the system is divided into five levels, namely, clearing center, line central computer, station computer, terminal equipment and ticket card. The hierarchical structure is divided in accordance with the principles of fully closed operation, based on the mode of fare collection and the use of non-contact IC cards as the ticket medium, and according to the respective functions, management functions and locations of the equipment and subsystems at each level, which can greatly help metro customers improve the efficiency of metro operation, serve metro management personnel, and greatly enhance the efficiency of passage and the passage experience of the passengers.

The structure of the system is divided into five levels, namely, clearing center, line central computer, station computer, terminal equipment and ticket card. The hierarchical structure is divided in accordance with the principles of fully closed operation, based on the mode of fare collection and the use of non-contact IC cards as the ticket medium, and according to the respective functions, management functions and locations of the equipment and subsystems at each level, which can greatly help metro customers improve the efficiency of metro operation, serve metro management personnel, and greatly enhance the efficiency of passage and the passage experience of the passengers.
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Application scenario

🎃The whole process of rail transportation ticketing, checking, billing, charging, statistics, clearing and management.

The whole process of rail transportation ticketing, checking, billing, charging, statistics, clearing and management.
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Core technologies

✨Computer, communication, network, automatic control and other technologies.

Computer, communication, network, automatic control and other technologies.
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Success Case

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