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Metro Environment and Equipment Monitoring System

Das Smart Metro Environment and Equipment Monitoring System is designed with the concept of "Industrial Internet of Things + Intelligent Ring Control + Passenger Service".

🐻It realizes real-time monitoring and control of various normal operation and protection facilities and emergency disaster prevention and relief facilities in all stations, intermediate tunnels, vehicle sections, parking lots, etc. of the entire metro line, and provides the management of schedule mode, scene mode and linkage mode to realize automated operation, scene control, event linkage and other functions of the equipment. It also provides schedule mode, scene mode and linkage mode management, realizing automated operation, scene control, event linkage and other functions of the equipment in the intelligent subway application system.

Product Features

🌜Designed with the concept of "Industrial Internet of Things + Intelligent Environmental Control + Passenger Service", it realizes real-time monitoring and control of various normal operation guarantee facilities and emergency disaster prevention and relief facilities in all stations, tunnels, vehicle sections and parking lots along the entire metro line, and provides management of timetable mode, scenario mode, and linkage mode to realize automated operation, scenario control, and event linkage management for the equipments. Automated operation, scene control, event linkage and other functions.

Designed with the concept of "Industrial Internet of Things + Intelligent Environmental Control + Passenger Service", it realizes real-time monitoring and control of various normal operation guarantee facilities and emergency disaster prevention and relief facilities in all stations, tunnels, vehicle sections and parking lots along the entire metro line, and provides management of timetable mode, scenario mode, and linkage mode to realize automated operation, scenario control, and event linkage management for the equipments. Automated operation, scene control, event linkage and other functions.
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Application scenario

🍌Daily monitoring, disaster prevention and emergency response, equipment maintenance, data collection, etc.

Daily monitoring, disaster prevention and emergency response, equipment maintenance, data collection, etc.
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Core technologies

🍨Distributed real-time database, multi-layer redundancy mechanism, big data distribution, one-network communication mode, etc.

Distributed real-time database, multi-layer redundancy mechanism, big data distribution, one-network communication mode, etc.
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Success Case

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